Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
A woman is obliged to wear the headscarf at puberty - but the decision is hers, it comes down to her and no one can force her.
Once a woman wears it, she cannot take it off, unless for very serious issues, such as it affecting her health.
Women can reveal their hair and body to other women, and her immediate family (whether it be male or female), this includes brother, dad, grandfather etc..
It is worn to protect her modesty, and a man must cover up too and be modest, so it works both ways.
It shows that being a person isn't all about beauty and physical appearance.
The hijab isn't just about the actual piece covering the hair. A woman can only show her face, hands and feet.
It is not only a part of a physical journey, but a mental, emotional and spiritual journey. It is very important, and the essence of a woman.
David -
"It's forbidden for men to talk to women, and for women to look at men. It's just their religion and beliefs."
It is not forbidden at all! It is about intention. If you are talking about lustous things etc, then yep, that's not right. Other than that, how does a student speak to her male friend, her teacher... an employee with her coworker... at the shops at the cashier. It's only normal to interact with the opposite sex!
It's not forbidden to look, but to CHECK OUT, yes it is. And it works both ways.
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